Sunday, March 21, 2010

Busy Fingers

It has been a busy time since January. I have made several shawls or lap robes for our Prayer Shawl Ministry.

 Was also able to complete a blanket for Warren Parker, our newest great grandchild along with a toy to go with the blanket.  Had a lot of fun figuring out the characters for his blanket.

And as always there are socks, socks, socks both for family, Socks For Soldiers and some to save for our church Bazaar.

I even found the time to make a few daisy hot pads for a niece who really wanted to replace some made for her by my mom years ago.

Still working on the forever lace tablecloth but now the garden is calling and the weather is too nice to waste.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Socks began the year.

First knitted project for 2010 is a pair of OD regulation socks team knit with Peggy R. for Socks For Soldiers. I am so pleased that I was able to keep my commitment to send a package each month with two or more pair of socks. This dispite my broken shoulder in March. I think getting back to knitting even while in a sling helped my arm to heal. I have only a little residual damage to the use of my arm. I really think that the constant knitting helped as well as the months of physical therapy.
I was able to complete 126 projects last year with 32 pair of socks for the Socks For Soldiers project. I hope I am able to to as well this year. The team knitter who use antique knitting machines to knit the long, long legs for the regulation socks really helped to enable me to knit so many pair.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Closing the Year

Back to knitting, knitting, knitting with an occasional bout of crochet. Made several daisy hot pads for my sis using mom's old pattern.

Making lots of Prayer Shawls including one for Shelli who recently lost her young husband and for her mother Shar who was down with pneumonia.

The United Methodist Women held their annual Bazaar and as usual I manned the crafts tables. Sold a lot of item including a few socks.

The shoulder is healed and I am going full swing on getting ready for Christmas. Almost everyone will get socks this year. The budget is a bit tight but the needles are busy.

One of my fun projects this month has been the "Campus Field Cap". Made a couple for myself and one for Bob.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

March through June

It has been a challenging four months. With my shoulder out of commission half way through March slowing my Knitting progress. I did manage to send off one pair of socks, and two leisure socks in March. April had another three pair team and two leisure socks ready to go. By June I was up to steam again and completed two pair OD team Lisa G. socks and one pair of Opal leisure socks along with a special pair for Pastor Steve.

Kim and I had a bit of a go round about the team knitting, so I will be slowing down on those for a while. Kim feels that I should have the socks returned before I request a new pair. That will be how it goes now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

February through May

Socks February through May

February went well with a nice package to send to Kim. The beanies were not a success and from now on it is socks, socks, socks.

March found me with a broken arm and it wasn't until April that I really started knitting again.I sent off a small package early in May and completed five more pair before the end of the month.

I am back in the groove again and thankful I was able to keep up my committment to SFS.

Friday, February 20, 2009

2009 Pledge

Socks For Soldiers 2009

I have pledged to send at least two pair of regulation socks and one pair of leisure socks each month this year. 

I have been able to keep that pledge so far. 

A package in January and I just sent a package today with two pair of team knit OD regulation socks, two pair leisure socks and two beanies.

My first beanie was not too successful as I failed to follow the pattern exactly.
 Hope this pair are better. 

One was an OD made with yarn left over from previous socks. Lisa G, a team knitter, sent the yarn along with the great legs she made on her antique sock knitting machine.