Saturday, February 23, 2008

February Fast and Furious

February continues fast and furious. I am learning a new crochet technique with a shawl that has beads place throughout without stringing them. The fringe will be a learning lesson of stringing the beads before crocheting them into the pattern. Very interesting.

Kathrine from church so admired my hats that I offered to make her one, or rather Bob volunteered me to do so. I tried a single strand combination of Cascade yarns with contrast of Knit Picks Yarn of the Andes. Came out just perfect.

Next I tried a double strand of Cascade and Noro Kureyon. It made a lovely hat but didn't shrink enough to fit Kathrine's needs.
We continue to have lots of wind and very little rain. The almond tree will probably lose most of its lush blossoms with the latest storm.